Wednesday, May 17, 2006

RIP Billy

Well, I guess I should be celebrating today upon the jubilant news that my arch nemesis has died. In any situation this would be great news. The hunted has outlived the hunter. The hero of the story has outlived his antagonist and become the decorated hero he was destined to be. Then why is this once hunted hero sad? COuld this vile creature not have been my worst enemy. And if not, then why didn't I figure this out before and repair the damaged relationtionship? Okay, enough with the artsy figurative language, it's time to get to the point. The beloved family bird passed away today. He was slowly getting sicker and less energetic so we knew he was going to go soon, but it still feels like a loss even though we had come to terms with the situation months ago.

If you dont know Billy or any of our past tropical birds, he was quite the chatter-box at the worst of times. The best was when he would mess up his phrases and say things that either dont make sense or are a little off-colour (those are my favourite ;)). For example, he would mix up "Art is bald" with "Jesus loves me" and get "Jesus is bald". Who knows, maybe He was and the bird is smarter than the creators of the Jesus videos who always present Jesus as a white male with long dark hair and a beard and nice eyes...white robe with a red sash and the arms wide open in a welcoming way.

Here's to you Billy. From being a good sport during hockey games chearing on the home team to my music critic when practising the piano and always keeping us entertained by riding on heads instead of shoulders and pooing on unwanted company (always a good laugh...after they leave..).

Boersma out!

Hockey pool update: since the first round is very much over I am proud to say I dominated the Boersma clan with a whopping 51 points thus proving that not only am I the most knowledgable hockey fan in the family at predicting the stars (I'm gonna get it if someone in my family reads this) but also that Elias is my new best friend. (Ebay kinda messed up by not changing my choices for the second round so I stepped down until round 3 cus right now im stuck with a bunch of players and Kiprusof who arent even in the playoffs anymore. So much for winning overall out of lots of people...but there's prizes for each round too.)