Tuesday, August 15, 2006

what's in a name

Well, if you didnt notice I changed the name of my blog. No real reason other than the fact that I had no idea where the original name came from in the first place. Come to think of it, I dont know where this one came from either, but we'll try it out for a while to see how it fits.

So summer is going pretty good, but I'm finding for the first time I'm not dreading the return of school. Does that mean I'll enjoy it when it comes? I highly doubt that. But I think it will be a nice change to working tons at McDonalds for low wages and being forced to pretend I'm happy even if I'm not. Seriously though, I'm a pretty happy and friendly person, but there are times when I just want to yell at some customers 'cus they are just so incredibly annoying and frustrating and many other negative things.

Speaking of Summer, I took some vacation time off work (much needed let me assure you) so I could help my sister move to Terrace. The whole family is going and camping up there and helping her move all her stuff so she can teach at the Christian school up there. Well...what happened was we couldnt find someone to take care of our dog while we were gone and she doesnt do so well with car trips we discovered the last time we drove to and camped in Northern BC, so we thought it best she stays in Surrey. The problem is she cant stay with people who have cats because she has this thing against cats (she is a dog you know)...seriously though she bit the neighbours cat a while ago. So I'm gonna be house-sitting for a little while....and my parents are ok with this...and they want me to have frineds over the whole time...and they want me to have a party. sounding a little wierd yet? Is that what you would call trust? Hopefully I dont blow it or I could ruin whatever trust they have in me. So between about the 17th and the 23rd of August feel free to stop by, hang out , party it up whatever you want cus the house is all mine.

So I'm guessing this week will be a blast...but I'll let you know when it's over and my parents ground me for life....hopefully not...I'll try to be good.

