Monday, December 24, 2007

What's worse than a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree?

A fake Charlie Brown tree.

The true reality in how incredibly Dutch my parents are came out several Christmases ago. My mom got angry no one was vacuuming the needles under our gorgeous, real, living Christmas tree. So she decided that unless someone was willing to vacuum every day, that we couldnt get anymore real Christmas trees. Needless to say, that year my parents went out and purchased a fake tree on Boxing day for a great deal. The tree was incredibly more ways than one.

The following Christmas came around and we bitterly set up our sad excuse for a Christmas tree. At least fake trees are designed to be more "perfect" than the real trees. Once the tree itself was set up, we all stepped back. It looked like Charlie Brown's tree AND it was fake. I have to admit, it does look better once its been decorated, but it's still not nearly as good as a real tree.

Last year, we found a nice tree lying on the side of the road. Naturally, we picked it up and carried it home. The nicest tree we'd ever had.

It's taken me many years to learn Christmas is not just about the tree, the decorations, going to church on Christmas morning, singing Christmas songs, and visiting family. Those are just some perks.

5 years ago, my family spent Christmas in the hospital. My mom was struggling to recover from complications of cancer surgery. Christmas day included spending time with my mom trucking around her IV pole in the patient's lobby. It was a weird Christmas, and I loved it. I finally realized what an amazing gift life really is. The gift from God at Christmas beats out getting an ipod or snowboard for Christmas any day.

This Christmas I want to thank God for the gifts I already have. Thank Him for the family He's given me, as much as they get on my nerves sometimes...many times...Thank Him for my house ( parents house :)), my friends, food on the table, being able to get an education, and my mom, for her 5th year with no cancer.

God is good

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

one down...three to go...

I got sick of studying....

I did my worst class's exam today. Being done it is glory. I (hopefully) will never have to hear that prof butcher the English language ever again. Honestly it was pretty funny to listen to him, but I've had enough.
strange but true sayings of dr. Pai:
" It's Pai, but not like apple pie...P-A-I"
"what?" - he seriously threw this one in every sentence, potentially even multiple times per sentence. Jackie counted one class he said this 215 times in 50 minutes
"interpretate" - ooooooh you mean interpret
"brack" - (this means black)
"do you understand what I'm saying? let me repeat one more time"
"I have a what? friend. He is what? 185 centimeters. He plays what?" class: "basketball!" Pai: "no! football"
"I just had a new baby. He is what? way cuter than I am. He is a girl"
"cunt" - this was how he said the word count. Everyone laughs each time and he doesnt get why.

the snow was crazy on Sunday. I went camera-happy. Church was canceled and I was supposed to play. It was nice.

And then there was a gorgeous rainbow 2 days later that even my nearly-blind neighbour could see so it was even bright enough for her to see.

Oh ya and that movie I was talking about on my last blog, the one that was being filmed. Apparantly Ashton Kutcher and Michelle Pfeiffer are in it and they were at SFU, but I didnt see them. The movie is called Personal Effects and its supposed to come out in 2009. I think the only reason I would see it would be to say "hey..that's my human physiology class! you see, it's not actually a courthouse, that's where I go to school!"