Friday, December 26, 2008

No more dreams...

...this is reality.

Years of singing "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" have finally paid off. Our white Christmas came in style and left the Lower Mainland wishing Christmases were wet like usual. In the Boersma household, "White Christmas" has been parodied to a more Vancouver-friendly version of "I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas".

We are never satisfied with what we have. Each year I have envied the East Coast of Canada for their beautiful blankets of snow gracing their lawns and clogging their streets, creating havoc with travel plans. This year, the white stuff fell in the West and already, after only a week, most people are sick of it and wish it would just go away. Attempting to navigate a Honda Civic out of a hilly driveway in the snow makes going out anywhere not even worth it. It can take about 30 minutes to swerve the car up the street. That's a two minute walk people. Two minute walk, 30 minute drive - pick your poison. I would walk, which is precisely what I did today, opting to take a bus to an overcrowded mall just to get some good deals. Was it worth it? The Dutch part of me, so basically my whole being thinks so, but my sanity begs to differ.

When it came time to go home, I discovered my bus had decided it's only going to run on the main streets. I do not live on a main street. Needless to say, everything I had bought was soaked by the time I got home.

"It doesn't show signs of stopping". Safely back home, I sit staring at the window at sheets of snow pouring from the sky to land and add to the snow on the ground which is already well above my knees. According to a physiotherapist, I have "abnormally long lower legs", so the snow is pretty darn deep.

People in the Lower Mainland are terrible drivers at the best of times. Throw in some snowy conditions, and you risk your life trying to get around.

Do I love it? Absolutely! There's something comforting about frolicking in the snow without a care in the world, acting like a 5-year-old, and nobody finds it strange.

I love winter!

Merry Christmas, Blessed Boxing Day, and Happy New Year!


Monday, December 08, 2008


Shown above is my sigh of relief.

Classes are over, exams are over, and Christmas holidays have officially begun.

I chose a job for January - I'm going to be working at The Right Shoe in Vancouver, so I'm excited for that. The people there are great. When I went for my interview, two people working were friends of mine from SFU, and my interview was mostly just me chatting with my boss about being a trainer for sports teams - the injury stuff, because he did that too, and about piano, since I taught piano for a bit, and his wife is a piano teacher. It's a great place and I'm very excited to work there.

I haven't yet decided if I want to go back to school in the summer or do another semester of coop and go back in the fall. I'm leaning towards just working till September. I'm sick of taking classes and I really need a break, and I also need the money to pay for the classes I need to take to graduate. Oh the life of a student.

So here goes my first January of not being in School since 1992 when I was 4 and not yet in Kindergarten. That is so sad.

I am also very excited to go back to Mexico with my church. It's been 5 years since I went and I miss it a lot, so I'm pretty stoked to return.

So ya, things are going great right now. I spent about 4 hours cleaning my room today - not that I did that great of a job, it was just that bad :P. And now I'm trying to catch up on lost time and maybe get some reading done - that pretty much gets put on hold when I'm in school. I started reading The Shack at the end of the Summer, and I got about half way when September rolled around and I haven't read any since. I'm thinking I might have to re-read some parts to catch up.

Anyways, I'm just talking about nothing now and this is getting a little long, so I'm going to stop.

Till next time.


Thursday, November 13, 2008


There are definitely times in my life when being indecisive is my downfall. For some reason, I am really bad at making decisions, and now I'm stuck with a pretty big one.

This week has been great job-search-wise. I got my first offer yesterday for The Right Shoe in Vancouver. The manager is such a good guy and we got along right away, which is important to me in picking a job. I also knew a bunch of the employees from school as I've had classes with them in the past. Working at a shoe store is not my ideal, but it has a great working environment, the staff is great, and the pay is reasonable for a coop job. It is also the typical job a coop student gets on their first placement for kinesiology.

I had an interview today that went really well. I found out about an hour ago that they're offering me the job! This one is for a physiotherapy clinic in Ladner. I would be assisting the physio by monitoring their patients' exercises and prescribing different exercises they should do so they can regain full strength and range of motion. This job is beyond my skill levels I think, so it is a bit of a stretch for me and honestly, it scares me a little. However, working in a clinic would probably be the only way for me to get into physio school if that was the path I wanted to take since my grades are not high enough. This job pays less than the shoe store for the first four months, but it's an eight month placement, so I wouldnt have to look for summer employment, and the pay goes up after the 4 months. I think it would be more challenging for me, and as much as I like that, it scares me a little. This is not a typical first coop term job, so I'm very fortunate and I think I should pounce on this opportunity while I have the chance.

It turns out my chances for another interview for a job at a chiropractic clinic are pretty high. This one in in Guildford and the chiropractor is really nice. Ideally, I think I would choose this one if I was offered it, but we'll see how that goes.

Needless to say, I shouldn't be complaining because it is better to have too many job offers than none at all. Hopefully I can choose the "right" one, or the one that is best for me. Your prayers would be awesome right now. This is going to help lead me to what path I want to take after university.

I have to do homework now :(


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bus Riders

Have you ever noticed how people do not like to sit together on the bus? The "one-seat buffer" is a common occurrence and verifies the fact that most people have personal space issues. Too often I find myself choosing not to sit on the bus or the skytrain in the morning to avoid those awkward conversations governed by what I call "bus talkers".

bus talkers = anyone who is unable to entertain themselves on transit and must resort to making conversation to the people around them - namely the person in the seat beside.

Once you sit beside them, conversation is inevitable and you must sit, trying not to offend, and pray for the rare chance that the train or bus might just drive a little faster that day so your agony can be as short as possible.

I find it funny the tactics people use to prevent others from sitting beside them. There's the classic put your bag on the seat beside you one as well as the "sit in the aisle seat" so people wont sit beside you. Both these methods are quite turn-off-ish and may lead to people resenting you for your selfishness of needing 2 seats to yourself.

I decided to compile a list of subtle methods to prevent people from sitting beside you on the bus:
- stare people down as they get on the bus. If you get a good look at them they are less likely to sit beside you. (trust me, this works)
- cough and sneeze loudly - nobody wants to get sick
- lack personal hygiene - nobody likes to sit beside someone who stinks
- excessive personal hygiene - see reason above
- purposefully place your umbrella on the seat beside you so it gets wet, then put it on the floor
- vomit on the bus - ok, this is really gross, but true story, there's this guy who takes my bus every day. One time he puked on the bus, and I have never sat beside him since, you never know when he'll do it again

As for me, I got an interview this week for a co-op job, so hopefully they offer me a spot so I'll have something for next semester. I'm a little scared though, it's my first interview in a couple of years.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh the places you will go...

It's been a while...lots has happened...I'll try to keep this short...

I'm already almost a month into my 4th year at SFU and this semester feels like it's the middle of October already. Every one of my classes went into high intensity mode within the first 2 weeks, it's nuts. But I'm actually enjoying what I'm studying this year (for the most part...) I have a human physiology course which isn't that great, a human anatomy class where we disect rabbits, which is somewhat anticlimactic after doing a cat and a shark last year, but at the end of the semester we get to fiddle with a cadaver (a dead human used for science) which is apparantly a former Kinesiology prof at SFU. I'm also in a health promotion class which deals with a lot of marketing stuff, it's pretty cool and the prof is awesome. We get stretch breaks every 30 minutes which is great in a 3 hour lecture. I'm also taking an education class on health in the classroom. At one point I have to interview a teacher... that class is a lot of work.

Aside from school, I'm also prepping myself for the co-op program. I quit my job at McDonald's, and have never felt better :) Usually you have to prep for coop 2 semesters in advance, but I asked them if it was possible if I could do it in one semester so I could start work in January. They agreed, and so now I have a bunch of workshops and other stuff I have to rush and do before applying for jobs in October and doing millions of interviews. I think it will be a great experience, a good break from classes, and I'll be able to see what kind of jobs I like in my field.

A part of my motivation for doing co-op is that I want to go on a missions trip to Mexico with my church this coming April. I went in grade 11, and I really feel called to go back there this year. I dont know why, but I'm sure eventually I'll find out. I figured the best way it would work out would be if I'm not taking classes, so co-op was the perfect option. I just need to make sure I can get time off work.

I am also considering taking a trip out to China possibly in May to visit my sister and travel around. We'll see what happens with that.

I just got called to dinner. Gotta go.


Sunday, July 13, 2008


I got back a couple days ago from a family vacation up to Terrace to help my sister pack up her stuff to move back here before she goes across the world to China in August. It was quite the trip, let me tell you.

First off, we decided to drive it all in one day (my mom flew so it mas myself with my dad and brother) and my dad and I were going to take turns driving. We left around 9am, but didnt actually arrive in Terrace till 2am the next morning. Along the way, we stopped for gas/food/peeing and I bought a new camera in Prince George since mine has been missing for a while and I gave up the search. At around 10pm maybe a little over an hour out of Smithers something crazy happened.

I had been complaining that we hadn't seen any wildlife yet on the trip and I was turning to my dad (who was driving at the time) to complain again when I see a massive dark shape with legs careening towards the car. I yelled "MOOSE!!!" and then assumed the fetal position and screamed bracing myself for the worst collision of my life. I heard stories of what happens to people who hit moose and they're not pretty. My dad swerves the car and we hear a thunk! and the car keeps going - there was no time to stop. With hearts racing, we turned around to get a good look at what we just hit and to assess the damage on the car. The moose ran away with a bit of a limp. The only damage to the car was that half the hubcap on one tire broke off and there was a dent in the roof where the car antenna slammed into it - possibly from the moose's head.
God really spared us from what could've been so much worse and I learned a lesson on compaining. It's like God said - "Elly, you want wildlife? I'll show you wildlife!" Let me say, I did not bring up the lack of wildlife at any other point on the trip.

Overall it was a pretty good trip. We made a stop up north in Alaska to see some glaciers and bears at a bear viewing platform, but we saw more bears on the way home than we did at the platform (there were no bears at the platform).

We are all alive and well...and grateful for a great trip.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Let the Summer Begin!!

I woke up this morning to a beautiful, sunny day...glorious!

Since my last post, many things have happened.

On, I think it was April 26, I dont remember the date exactly, but I went to a Starfield concert that ended, well actually started - since it was right after their opening song - in disaster. The floor collapsed under hundreds of people and many, including my friend Min fell through the floor down fifteen feet to the basement. I was still upstairs on the balcony at the time and about to go down to join the crowds when it happened. So many people were traumatized and I felt bad because I was having an adrenalin rush. I dont know what it is, but there's something about disasters that excite me. I ran downstairs to try and help out since I've got first aid, but they wouldnt let anyone into the sanctuary and the crowds were rushing out. I've been to several places now where ambulances have been called and I get so excited - it makes me want to be a paramedic - something to think about...

My friend Min also lost her dad the Thursday night before mother's day in a car accident. She lost her mom to cancer last year on mother's day, so this is an even bigger blow to her. Please keep her and her brother in your prayers as they have become orphans in less than a year.

Please also pray for Jackie and her family as they have to deal with the loss of her t13-year-old sister Angie to a short battle with cancer.

It's been a rough couple weeks in a lot of ways, but I'm also having a blast with friends, enjoying the weather, and working at an easy job. (I'm still debating whether or not to take the promotion to manager at work since it means an extra hour of work or so for each shift and I might not be able to get as much time off...still not sure)

Hope everyone is having good times as the weather gets better and there's no school to be had. (apologies to those taking summer classes - that sucks)


Monday, April 21, 2008

time for another blog...I think so

I guess it's been a while, so probably nobody reads this thing anymore.

School is finally over now, so I can have a life again now woohoo!! I've just been cleaning my room, and am now on a break cus it's a pretty huge task. I really let it slide this semester, and now it has caught up to me. I also worked this morning at 5, so I'm a little groggy.

Yesterday I had a good time standing out in the freezing cold volunteering at the Sun Run. I am registered as a sports aider with SportMed BC, so I got to be one of the first aid personnel at the event. My job was fortunately pretty easy and not too stressful. I was stationed along the gorgeous English bay, right across the street from the water. All I had to do was hang out with some sports physios at the medical tent there and if anything happened where a person couldn't finish the race, but it wasn't serious for an ambulance, then I had to transport them through the streets of vancouver to the finish line medical tent where they could be treated. Thankfully, nothing too serious happened where I was and I just had to transport one lady who had shortness of breath and chest pains. She was also shivering in the van I was driving when I had the heat jacked up so much I was sweating. I had also never driven a van before and had to parallel park it, which was interesting... It was weird having to cross the police lines to streets that were blocked off for the race so I could get to the finish line.

The worst thing that happened though, apparently someone collapsed on the Cambie Street bridge and hit their head on the way down and they were bleeding profusely on the head. That wasn't near my part of the race though, so I didn't have to deal with that one.

here is just a preview of this summer at a glance:

I am still going to be working at McDick's. :P. I mentioned leaving for a better job that will pay me better and they offered me a raise, a promotion, and lots of hours, so I couldn't turn it down. This way, I can take lots of time off to go camping etc.

I'm doing Profession of Faith at church on May 11

I need to take my road test so I can finally throw my "N" in the trash

I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled :S

Camping with the family in Terrace and with the Young Adults from church in the interior

Possibly volunteering with sports teams

And just hanging out and having fun!!