Sunday, July 13, 2008


I got back a couple days ago from a family vacation up to Terrace to help my sister pack up her stuff to move back here before she goes across the world to China in August. It was quite the trip, let me tell you.

First off, we decided to drive it all in one day (my mom flew so it mas myself with my dad and brother) and my dad and I were going to take turns driving. We left around 9am, but didnt actually arrive in Terrace till 2am the next morning. Along the way, we stopped for gas/food/peeing and I bought a new camera in Prince George since mine has been missing for a while and I gave up the search. At around 10pm maybe a little over an hour out of Smithers something crazy happened.

I had been complaining that we hadn't seen any wildlife yet on the trip and I was turning to my dad (who was driving at the time) to complain again when I see a massive dark shape with legs careening towards the car. I yelled "MOOSE!!!" and then assumed the fetal position and screamed bracing myself for the worst collision of my life. I heard stories of what happens to people who hit moose and they're not pretty. My dad swerves the car and we hear a thunk! and the car keeps going - there was no time to stop. With hearts racing, we turned around to get a good look at what we just hit and to assess the damage on the car. The moose ran away with a bit of a limp. The only damage to the car was that half the hubcap on one tire broke off and there was a dent in the roof where the car antenna slammed into it - possibly from the moose's head.
God really spared us from what could've been so much worse and I learned a lesson on compaining. It's like God said - "Elly, you want wildlife? I'll show you wildlife!" Let me say, I did not bring up the lack of wildlife at any other point on the trip.

Overall it was a pretty good trip. We made a stop up north in Alaska to see some glaciers and bears at a bear viewing platform, but we saw more bears on the way home than we did at the platform (there were no bears at the platform).

We are all alive and well...and grateful for a great trip.
