Thursday, November 13, 2008


There are definitely times in my life when being indecisive is my downfall. For some reason, I am really bad at making decisions, and now I'm stuck with a pretty big one.

This week has been great job-search-wise. I got my first offer yesterday for The Right Shoe in Vancouver. The manager is such a good guy and we got along right away, which is important to me in picking a job. I also knew a bunch of the employees from school as I've had classes with them in the past. Working at a shoe store is not my ideal, but it has a great working environment, the staff is great, and the pay is reasonable for a coop job. It is also the typical job a coop student gets on their first placement for kinesiology.

I had an interview today that went really well. I found out about an hour ago that they're offering me the job! This one is for a physiotherapy clinic in Ladner. I would be assisting the physio by monitoring their patients' exercises and prescribing different exercises they should do so they can regain full strength and range of motion. This job is beyond my skill levels I think, so it is a bit of a stretch for me and honestly, it scares me a little. However, working in a clinic would probably be the only way for me to get into physio school if that was the path I wanted to take since my grades are not high enough. This job pays less than the shoe store for the first four months, but it's an eight month placement, so I wouldnt have to look for summer employment, and the pay goes up after the 4 months. I think it would be more challenging for me, and as much as I like that, it scares me a little. This is not a typical first coop term job, so I'm very fortunate and I think I should pounce on this opportunity while I have the chance.

It turns out my chances for another interview for a job at a chiropractic clinic are pretty high. This one in in Guildford and the chiropractor is really nice. Ideally, I think I would choose this one if I was offered it, but we'll see how that goes.

Needless to say, I shouldn't be complaining because it is better to have too many job offers than none at all. Hopefully I can choose the "right" one, or the one that is best for me. Your prayers would be awesome right now. This is going to help lead me to what path I want to take after university.

I have to do homework now :(
