Friday, May 29, 2009

"I will sing to the Lord for He has been good to me." Psalm 13

It has been WAY too long. My blog is like a neglected animal right now who hasn't been loved in a long time, roaming the streets, and eating garbage. I am now its rescuer saving it from a life of dejection and giving it love. With so much on facebook now, blogs are becoming a thing of the past, but I'm getting kind of sick of facebook...aside from looking at pictures and catching up with I want to bring this back.

Since my last post, I don't even know how long ago that was, but it was before going to Mexico. I went to Mexico with my church youth group, and it was such an awesome experience. There were times when the people got frustrating to be around, but it was such a blessing to go back to the place that touched my heart back in grade 11. I did a co-op job last semester which allowed me to take the 10 days off that I would probably not have been able to do if I were in class. I've been a little confused lately as to what I'm supposed to be doing with my degree - I'm almost done, just a couple semesters to go, and I have no idea what to do after. At first, I wanted to go into med, but decided against that, then I decided physio, but now I'm not even sure if I want to do that. I'm ready to be done with school for a while...maybe I'll just find a kinesiology-related job, whatever that'll be.

While I was in Mexico, I helped lead worship at the kids camp. I recently started teaching myself guitar, so I brought it down with me and faked my way through the music as best I could, it wasn't too bad. I got to play the keyboard with the Mexican worship team during their Sunday service, and I felt like I was in heaven. They are such amazing musicians and it was really just a blessing to be playing music with them. Amazing. It made me really want to pursue music and see where that takes me. We'll see what happens.

As for now, I'm in summer school. Something I vowed never to do again, but clearly that has changed. I figured since I didn't do school in the spring, I should get back to it now and then I can graduate sooner. That means next April I'll be done. Free from school. And ready to live my life for God.
