Saturday, December 26, 2009

"Simply having a wonderful Christmas-time"

I love Christmas. Christmas movies, music, trees, the cold's great! Not much to say here about life as it is right now. I am still waiting to get more information from VANOC on a job that I am supposed to start a week from Monday. I hate the uncertainty, but I guess I could consider this a lesson in patience. Basically, what I know thus far is that I am going to be a Resident Adviser for the athletes at Olympic Village - but they still haven't told me if I'm in Vancouver or Whistler. VANOC has to be the least organised employer I have ever worked with.

Here's just the highlight reel of the Christmas holidays so far:

- worked a lot

- took my mom snowshoeing (this has become a tradition for us) and my brother came too. The sucky part was that the only day we had free was a day that it was raining on the local mountains. We still had fun though

- Went to my uncle's for dinner with the cousins on Christmas Eve. We had fondu. It was delicious.

- Went to see my Grandma and Grandpa at Menno Hospital in Abbotsford on Christmas morning after going to my Grandpa's church in Abbotsford. (My Grandma lives at Menno). It was great to see her but hard because you never know when it's going to be the last Christmas with her.

- I played piano with my Grandpa and another lady singing Christmas carols. I had never done anything like that with my Grandpa before and it was great.

- In the afternoon on Christmas, we went to my parent's church to help with a community dinner for people with nowhere to go on Christmas.