Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer Studying

I think I've been letting too much time pass between posts. It's not like nothing is happening in my life right now, but it all seems so mundane and routine to me by now. Excitement is building within me though, as only 2 finals separate me from having more letters attached to the end of my name - "Elly Boersma, BSc. in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology". It sounds more impressive than it really is, but it's still a big deal for me. It's taken me 5 years, but I did it...almost. I'm trying to study, but it's such a gorgeous day and I just want to go outside and enjoy summer. Did I mention I hate studying?!?

I won't get to have the actual cap and gown experience until June 2011 though, because I have a co-op job lined up for September to April. Basically the school helped me find work after graduation, not a bad deal, but I get credit for it, so I have to pay course fees. I'm going to be working for Paris Orthotics at their lab where they actually make orthotics. I don't know exactly what my job entails, but I'm basically a "translator", taking what the pedorthist has prescribed and looking at patient foot molds, and putting it in words the lab workers who make the orthotics can understand, so they can make the orthotic. It's a bit confusing, I know, but I don't know exactly what it is either, so I'll enlighten you all when I know what I'm doing. :)

After April, I'm intending to travel, but exact plans are still unclear. Ever since high school, I've been wanting to travel back to Europe, but on my own terms and go where I want to go, so that is definitely an option. My sister is living in China, but there honestly isn't a whole lot else I'd want to do in China. I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand, and I also want to go to many places to see, so little money...

As for right now though, I should get back to studying so I actually can graduate. Exams suck.
