Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Christmas Miracle?

So I've realized I haven't posted any stories lately of the random events that often occur in my life. Sometimes when I write blogs, I just cover the basics of my life and then I feel like my life is boring, since it's not always that eventful. So I plan to change this line of thought and start posting some more of those zany aspects of my life. This particular story, though not entirely Christmas related, occurred on Christmas Eve...

My parents always visit my Grandma in Abbotsford every Friday at Menno Hospital care facility. This particular Friday happened to be Christmas Eve. They usually leave around 2pm, and since both myself and my brother had to work on Christmas Eve, we decided to go meet up with them and see my Grandma and then have dinner with my Grandpa.

For a little bit of background, my car, although it works great, has a little glitch occasionally with the windshield wipers. And me, being the not-so-cautious person that I am, have not had them looked at yet by someone who knows anything about cars. What happens is that sometimes they get stuck on my windshield and stop working. No big deal, right?

Well, on the way home from my Grandparents place, it was pouring rain. I begged my brother to ride with me in my car so I wouldn't be alone. So there we were, driving down the freeway. It's dark. It's pouring. And I can't see. The window is blurry. The lines on the road are not very clear. The windshield wipers are stuck. This is just a situation for disaster. My brother rolls down his window, reaches his arm out and move the wipers with his hand. They start working again. A few moments later, they stop again, and he rolls his window down, and fixes them. This continued the entire way home. From Abbotsford to Surrey. There were times I thought we were for sure going to crash and die. I thought that would be the last time my brother would ever drive with me again. I think he was more scared than I was. At least I was laughing about it. We joked a little about what a sight we must be to the other drivers on the road, but I could tell by the hesitation in his laugh that he was very uneasy about the situation. Needless to say, we made it home, car and all, in one piece and lived to see Christmas, my brother with a very wet and cold right arm, and me with some mild anxiety and a large dose of thanks.

I think I should get those wipers looked at...