Friday, February 10, 2006

water polo for the lazy at heart

Well...I'm sitting here at school...and bored out of my mind. and bored, nothing new here I see. I can't find Jackie, so I went to a computer lab so I dont feel like a loser haha. With so many people in one big place, it's hard to find someone you know, and not every person is sociable enough to keep a conversation going. But I'm not going to get into "the people of SFU" here..I'll leave that for a later post. (I was people watching the other day and you wouldn't believe how amusing it can be)

But anyways, I want to tell you about a beautiful thing named inner-tube water polo. It's like Dairy queen icecream cake...who knew the 2 best desserts (icecream and cake) could come together in such a wonderful marriage to make me happy. Anyways, inner-tube water polo is offered as a intramural sport here at SFU and Jackie and I thought it sounded amazing, so we went to sign up, believing the inner-tube's sole purpose was to make it so we wouldnt have to expend as much energy treading water. But wow were we wrong....what a work-out! You actually have to sit in the tube and balance yourself so you dont fall out when you're throwing the ball, and then paddle like crazy with your arms and legs. Wow you get so sore, muscles start cramping but you just fight through the pain and keep going. You get so tired, butit's crazy fun and it looks hillarious to see these big muscular guys flailing their arms to paddle to the loose ball. My main issue is getting back in the tube once I've fallen out in the deep-end. It's so much easier when it's shallow. My team is crazy good times.

Everyone should get the honour of playing this magical sport at one point in their lifetime. one of these days it will become world-renown and become an olympic sport and the Olympics wont know what hit 'em.

till next time....mwa haha

boersma out!

1 comment:

boersma said...

Sweeet...sounds like a date ;) I'll be there