Friday, September 08, 2006

and it all got deleted

so I ignored the warning signs the computer gave me and clicked "OK" anyways, so my entire post got deleted. So I will start agian. This one will be much less wordy however because I am sick of typing the original, but I wiill summarize for you...yes "wiill" with 2 "I"s just cause I want to break the rules ;) Yesterday i had my day off which was super awesome. I actually got to sleep in for the first time in 2 days (sweeeeet!). But I spent the whole day doing the homework I've already been given, which is lame. So if you ever want to entertain me on a Thursday or even a wednesday night...lets hang out!

Well not much left other than the fact that I am super bored right now. I have a 2 hour break till 2:30 when I can go to lab orientation. woohoo *sarcasm* for chemistry. So here I am just sitting in the library with nothing to do, exchanging glances with the guy at the computer across from ine. And might i add...quite the looker;) heehee. Alright so thats enough for now. This has been quite the abbreviated version of what i had before, but maybe that's a good thing.

i'm still working at McDic's, and getting sicker and sicker of it as the days go on. to make it worse they keep screwing up my schedule. I'm thinking of throwing in the towel soon, but I like getting money and I dont feel like applying at other places in the middle of the semester so I'm thinking of just leaving it till december and then ditching those fools. We'll see....there's some cool people that work there so its kinda fun sometimes...and then other times it sucks. :P

1 comment:

Sonya said...

i know how you feel elly...:P