Wednesday, September 20, 2006


So I'm here spending my second day home from school and feeling crappy. It's actually kinda nasty. It all started on monday. I felt really bad at school, but I had an organic lab that is hard to make up. I had a really bad headache and I was feeling dizzy and was randomly getting hot and cold. Then on the way home with Adana, the power went out on the skytrain so we had to take a longer way home. When I finally got to Gateway, my dad was there to pick me up. But I couldnt make it I ended up puking on the side of the Whalley might I add. My mom thought it was funny and was telling everyone that called that night. She was all like "Elly, other people going by probably thought you were a crack head or somthing. You know...looking sick, vomiting on the side of the road." Thanks mom...that sure makes me feel a lot better. Well good to say I'm feeling a little better now, but I havent really eaten much in the past few days now and I'm not even hungry. So needless to say I am home from school and I plan on calling in sick tonight.

I hate being home alone during the day though. It is soooo incredibly boring. just talk shows and soaps on TV....and not much fun to be had. So I think I'm gonna go now and rest some talk shows...good times...:S



Anonymous said...

feel better elly!


Lynn Webb said...

I almost puked on our safari beside 5 lions. Imagine them following the scent and licking it up... sick sick sick... Ive been sick for 3 weeks. My cure? Lots of Sinus pills... they make me very sleepy:):):):):)

Lynn Webb said...

Not as bad as almost puking on a safari right beside about 5 grown lions. Luckily, they were full and I was able to hold it in until I got evacuated.... imagine lions licking up my vomit? Yeesh... Hope you are feeling better my dear.