Friday, October 13, 2006

The Promise of Redemption

here's to snoring, fanta, and the end of midterms!!
So I just finished my last midterm for a while and it feels great. Im still at school right now though on a 2 hour break...but I'll get through it.

As the title shows, things are looking up for me a bit. I had a rough week trying to study for midterms, not being able to focus on midterms, and wondering if school ir really where I should be right now. Then I lookd into some study abroad oppertunities and i'm thinking that or taking a bit of time off to travel. Anyone wanna come ;) hehee.

Another amazing thing was my bottle of gold, FANTA!! so trying to savour it and drink it slowly, but it makes me soo giddy and excitable that its more fun to drink it. YAY FANTA!!! I cant wait till i get home so I can pull it out of the fridge and soak up it orange-fruity-goodness that I call Fanta love. Thanks Adana for bringing it home from Mexico for moi!

Haha...funny story. So I was in class the other day sitting with some of Ricardo's friends that I met last year. One of them decided to sleep through the lecture, so he rested his head on the other guy's shoulder. There was about 10 minutes left in class when we heard a loud snort. I looked over and Amen (the guy who was sleeping) was snoring. Me and Ryan (the other guy) burst out laughing along with everyone sitting around us. Amen still did not wake up. We nudged him a bit, still he didnt wake up, so we decided to let him sleep...he had stopped snoring at this point. At the end of class we we like ...I guess we should wake him up now. I kind of want to leave him here though just for fun. Just then, he sat up in his chair, looked around, made some high-pitched noise and then fell back into his chair, resting his head on Ryan. We start laughing again, and eventually he wakes up for real this time and we told him all about it.

haha good times.

boersma out!

no wait...boersma back in again...


boersma out!


Anonymous said...

hahaha oh man i wish i was there...we all sleep through mbb but nothing entertaining happens cuz none of us snore.
see ya on monday, i'll be on time for genetics i promise:P

Lauren Heinen said...

hey elly!!! oh wow you make me laugh, oh and i can TOTALLY imagine you laughing really hard, kinda like that time in andersons class when we got in trouble...i will NEVER forget that :)