Monday, November 13, 2006

Death by Chocolate

Wow! What a weekend!
It all started out Friday night. I had to work from 10pm to 5am...The beloved late-night shift in wonderful Whalley. It all went pretty well, except for the fact that I was in drive-thru for 7 hours and it was cold!! So cold that when I went to drive home there was even some frost on the window. It was a pretty uneventful night aside from some guy trying to pay for his food with a fake 50 that I drenched in water to prove to him it was fake and that I couldn't give it back.

On Saturday I went curling for the first time with my Young Adults group from church. What a blast! And I actually didn't suck as bad as I thought I would. I'm still feeling it a little in the "rectus femorus" of my quadriceps muscle group. Yay anatomy...and in my right tricep. And I have to say I had quite to "Olympic-style" shot much by chance the other night knocking the other teams stone out of the circle and then landing mine in the very epicenter of curling goodness...the lovely little yellow circle! What a fluke!

So then on Sunday I got called in to work from 7pm-midnight..and then called again to ask if I'd stay till 2...and then when I got there they asked if I'd stay till 3. Apparently only 1 person had been scheduled to do the late-night shift. We ended up with 3 after calling in another person.
But here's the kicker of my weekend. If you read nothing else in this post be sure to read this.

We have an older Fijian couple that comes in every night around 11:30 to clean our restaurant's lobby. When they arrived however, the wife came running up and banged on the door and the guy who was up front in drive-thru heard and came running out. He found her husband unconscious in the front seat of the car with the car still running. The guy (Larry) pulled out his cell phone and called 9-1-1. They instructed him to pull the e-brake and get the man out of the car. As he went to pull the e-brake, the man's leg his the gas pedal and the car, which was in reverse, backed into the wall of the restaurant denting it and causing extensive damage to the handicapped washroom inside. Larry managed to jump onto the car so he wouldnt be hit bit it and he rode it into the wall. At this point the car had stopped. He got the man out of the car and gave him CPR because he wasn't breathing and had a very faint pulse..nothing worked. When the ambulance took him away, he wasn't breathing, had no pulse, and was foaming at the mouth. His wife was a wreck as well. One customer came in and sat with her for an hour with his arm around her, comforting her. What an angel. Such a contrast to some people who got mad at me for telling them our restaurant was temporarily closed for a medical emergency. This happened around 12:00 and we reopened at 2, but we were just so shaken up by the whole ordeal.
Please pray for this man as I still have no idea if he even lived through the night. I may have watched a man die and I wasn't able to do anything about it.

I want to be a paramedic.

Sorry for the long one, I just had some stuff to get off my me this was definitely and "long story short" kind of thing.

It was also my mom's birthday this weekend. I made her a looks kind of funny because I couldn't find the cake-decorating tips so I had to write on it with smarties. So amateur. I hope it tastes good. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's terrible, so sorry to hear that you had to go through that