Monday, February 26, 2007


too lazy to type anything, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is inspired by Lynn's blog. I love Switchfoot.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Lent.....I know I'm a couple days late...

I have always joked about my mom giving up being pregnant for lent as I was her last child and was born on Ash Wednesday, which just happened to fall on March 4th 1987, and has never fallen on my Birthday again...yet. So the conclusion is this, either she decided to give up having me taking up space in her body for lent, or I decided to cease being a fetus for lent, whichever the case, that day 20 years ago changed everything...well I'm here arent I? So perhaps in the 40 day period between my birth and my first Easter..with my baptism squeezed somewhere in the middle there, my parents decided that 3 was enough children to have in one family. I was probably in this time frame in which my dad sprouted his first grey hairs.

But, putting all theories aside, why do we give things up for lent? I have always wondered this question. Are we any less Christian if we dont? I dont think so. I see it as more of a personal thing. If giving something up that you eat too much of or spend too much time doing helps you to understand/appreciate/meditate on God's sacrifice to man and the ressurection, then all power to you. If you do it beacause everyone else does, then I think you need to rethink your decision. We can never understand the sacrifice God made for us, but if giving up something allows you to spend more time focussing on God or reading the Bible, then your decision has purpose. So basically what I'm saying here is dont give up somthing for lent if it is just because your friends are.

I've always wanted to give up homework/school for lent and see if something like that could actually fly if you claim it is for Religious purposes, but Im pretty sure a University dean would not buy that.

Sometimes what i like to do is instead of giving something up, I like to add something/ do something more. For example actually set aside time to read my Bible and pray every day, not just when my school/work schedule can allow time. Or take a walk matter what the weather and just take in God's creation. No matter how many times you take the same walk, there is always somthing new to take in.

But thats all for now. Im pretty tired, so Im not even sure if this all makes sense...



Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bubble Toes

I need a break from studying...on a Saturday...woohoo!..well actually it could be worse, I could be working ;) Here's some things that I've been noticing about the differences between a public university with 22,000 students vs. a Christian Highschool with 500 students...

You know you have ventured into the "real world" of school when...

...There is a flavored condom dispenser instead of a tampon machines in the girl’s washroom.

...Your TA drops the F-bomb like a clumsy fool more than saying useful information.

...People you know have sex with TAs thus getting better grades.

...One of the most popular days of the week is Thursday…pub night.

...Evolution is accepted as a common knowledge truth with no questions asked. Creation just isnt an option. (not to say evolution cant exist...I like to believe that God created us with the ability to best suit our environment....who really knows though)

...People make-out on the bus on the way to school.

...Your prof swears.

...Your personal space is violated while riding the bus. (because they’re so stinkin’ crowded!!) Spooning on the bus!! my favourite past time I'm not gonna lie.

...Birth control classes are offered followed by a free gift of condoms for all (but we all know the best birth conrol is not to have sex in the first place! DUH!)

...STD twister is offered as a fun game to distract you in the hallways between classes. (actually its very educational...and its twister a win-win!! right)

...a girl can "work out" in the gym without a bra on and half a t-shirt without getting kicked out. (honestly it was the nastiest thing I have ever witnessed. And workout was in quotations since all she was doing was bicep curls minus the curls. it was basically her bicep twitching from a fully contracted position to a near-fully contracted position. That is to say, she was barely moving her arm whatsoever. And the t-shirt thing...she had cut a shirt just below the sleeves so it was basically a cylinder of fabric wrapped around her bra-less body and barely staying in position. What a creaper!!)

...there is a club for gays and lesbians ("Out on Campus")...although they encourage anyone to come.

...clubs are off-limits due to racial differences (they wouldnt let me join the "Canadianized Asian Club"...I was pretty choked about that....they have a cotton candy machine! it makes cotton candy!!)

Well thats all I got for now. Feel free to add whatever you want to this list as it is in no way in full completeness.

I should go study up on some sports injuries and the like...good times...


**note** please pray for my grandma...she just got a pacemaker and she got moved to a rehab centre now, but she still is pretty confused and might be getting dimensia or something.

side note little story....kinda has to do with this pst I guess.

So just yesterday, me and Adana...or Adana and I, I guess I shuld say, were checking out what kind of Valentines day events were going on in Convo Mall (big central area outside where convocation takes place at grad time...) and we were standing there when this guy comes up with a bag holding something that looks like a sucker. He asked us if we wanted one...I thought yummmm sucker...or course I want one! so he was like "here you go..I dont know what flavour it is" I say "thats okay" and go to take a little look-see to determine the flavour I got. As I glimpse the packaging which, hidden below celophane (sp) was a perfect square little package with the word "Lifestyles" on it. Im thinking uh oh....flip it over to see the other side....ummmm Adana...we just said yes to getting a free condom....flavoured condom. awkward!!! so we just walked away and tossed them out and that was that. I guess they expect everyone to be "getting some" on valentines day, but that just isnt me. :S

Saturday, February 03, 2007


It's that time of year again. Midterm season. Perfect timing for a nice juicy sweet blog... I have 3 midterms next week, which means I'm going to be super cool and have no life for the next couple of days...unless something fun comes,no..need to study :P University seems to be getting better now that I'm pretty sure I know what I want. I can be so indecisive at the best of times, but I'm pretty much set on a major in Kinesiology with a Bio minor. I feel like such a nerd saying this, but I am actually really excited about a course I'm taking right now. It's called Sports injuries: Prevention and Rehab...and its all about, well what the title says...injury in sport, how to prevent them, and should an injury occur, how to help the athlete get back to how they were. The course is taught by an actual doctor...not just a prof who uses the prefix "doctor" in his name. This guy has his own medical practise and also works for a variety of minor sports teams in the lower mainland as their team physician. Then the TA who teaches us how to examine injuries to determine what they are..and then how to tape up joints (like ankle taping etc.) he's a physiotherapist at UBC and works for their sports teams as well.

The best part is, that by completing this course as well as a CPRC/first aid course you can get a BC sports aid certificate and work as a volunteer for different sporting events and teams...which also gives an inside edge if you want to volunteer for the 2010 exciting~!!!

I need to practise my tape jobs...anyone have a sore ankle??

Ewww...kinda gross story...I will shorten it to a nutshell since this is getting kind of long for me..
On my little Community shuttle bus this morning....a guy 2 seats infront of me puked on the ground of the bus. The bus driver had to pull over and clean it up with paper towels and he sent the guy out of the bus to clean himself off with the paper towel. I felt so bad for the busdriver..thats such a nasty job the poor guy. It's days like this that they probably feel they dont get paid near enough for the job they do. I have that feeling at work somtimes. Good old Whalley. Needless to say I just barely got to school in time to hand in my assignment.

I need to sleep now...
