Friday, February 23, 2007

Lent.....I know I'm a couple days late...

I have always joked about my mom giving up being pregnant for lent as I was her last child and was born on Ash Wednesday, which just happened to fall on March 4th 1987, and has never fallen on my Birthday again...yet. So the conclusion is this, either she decided to give up having me taking up space in her body for lent, or I decided to cease being a fetus for lent, whichever the case, that day 20 years ago changed everything...well I'm here arent I? So perhaps in the 40 day period between my birth and my first Easter..with my baptism squeezed somewhere in the middle there, my parents decided that 3 was enough children to have in one family. I was probably in this time frame in which my dad sprouted his first grey hairs.

But, putting all theories aside, why do we give things up for lent? I have always wondered this question. Are we any less Christian if we dont? I dont think so. I see it as more of a personal thing. If giving something up that you eat too much of or spend too much time doing helps you to understand/appreciate/meditate on God's sacrifice to man and the ressurection, then all power to you. If you do it beacause everyone else does, then I think you need to rethink your decision. We can never understand the sacrifice God made for us, but if giving up something allows you to spend more time focussing on God or reading the Bible, then your decision has purpose. So basically what I'm saying here is dont give up somthing for lent if it is just because your friends are.

I've always wanted to give up homework/school for lent and see if something like that could actually fly if you claim it is for Religious purposes, but Im pretty sure a University dean would not buy that.

Sometimes what i like to do is instead of giving something up, I like to add something/ do something more. For example actually set aside time to read my Bible and pray every day, not just when my school/work schedule can allow time. Or take a walk matter what the weather and just take in God's creation. No matter how many times you take the same walk, there is always somthing new to take in.

But thats all for now. Im pretty tired, so Im not even sure if this all makes sense...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Careful walking through Whalley.... I was going to give up something for lent, like starbucks, but i was too selfish and it tastes too good... I tried put up some switchfoot movies onto my blog but it wont let me which is too sad, becaues they are sweet despite they have no sound... anywho... i need to go do some homework...happy lent
