Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Gang Centre

I did it...I finished second year. As of friday at approximately 11:05 am, I handed in my last exam and ran out of the room. And now, I'm spending a nice little vacation in Terrace BC visiting the sis and just chillin. Right now I'm actually sitting in the Centennial Christian staffroom using their internet while my sister works on her report cards. My sister's internet, by the way, sucks. It likes to lose the signal when you move a fraction of a millimeter.

Not too much going on right now other than the little vacation. oh ya...driving around town today after church, i saw this building with a sign saying "the Happy Gang Centre" hahaha I laughed so hard. Never seen one of those in Whalley. Apparantly it's a senior's centre.

How about them canucks. i must say I was quite disgusted by the game last night. they are going to need to do more than that to take this series...but I'm sure they totally can.

so....after my sports injuries course, I volunteer for SportMedBC now and I have a spot working for this U-18 lacrosse team for the summer. It's just volunteer with more experienced people, but it will be good to get the experience. Excited.

thats all for now





Lauren Heinen said...

hey elly! yay school is done!! im done too :) just came home last night. so weird to be back! feels like i never left though...
have fun in terrace and yay for volunteering with something you love!

Anonymous said...

Yay for small towns!!!!! You probably ran into my cousins and one point because I have a good handful up there! Look forwrad to hangign out when you get back, althought these next 2 weeks are brutal for me!!! Ciao!