Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A whole lot of nothing has been going on for me for the past little while. Don't get me wrong, I haven't been sitting around doing nothing, it just feels like I havent accomplished anything.

My summer semester has started now, and my one class for the summer, my one lousy lab is a total flop. I hate it. It doesnt help that the only person I know is in the other section (aka the room next door) and I got stuck with a bunch of people who dont know anything and just look at my paper to answer their questions. I tried explaining it to them, and eventually I just handed mine in and left them to finish on their own.

I've been working as well. It seems I am not always a woman of my word. It's not that I never keep my word or that I cant keep a secret, I just seem to state that I will "never" do something, and then I end up doing it. For example, my job. I used to say I would never work at McDonald's...and here I am...having worked there for about 2 and a half years!! When you measure a job at McDonalds in years instead of months, you know there is something wrong. And now they have offered me a position as a shift manager, another thing I said I would never do, and I am actually considering it! It does after all look good on a resume, but I was going to quit at the end of the summer, and by the time I get the promotion (since I have to be promoted twice to get there, and part of the second promotion is going for a panel interview with a bunch of head honchos...:S) it will be August.We'll see how it all goes. It's a nice pay raise at least. But now I've been thinking about taking the fall off school and working as a manager and making tons of cash and then going back to school. I dont confused.

Thats about all thats been going down lately...not much.

Oh ya, my poor 8-year-old lab-x...had to have surgery to scrape some dead tissue off her eye and now her eye has to be stitched closed for 2 weeks so it can heal and she has to wear one of those cones on her head so she wont scratch it. She looks so miserable, but it is also kind of funny because she goes bumping into everything.

And that's the kind of weeks it's been post-Terrace vacation :P


1 comment:

Lauren Heinen said...

hey elly! awww your poor dog! dont have too much fun laughing at her for bumping into things :) haha.
as for mcdonalds....OHHHHHH MAN!! shift manager. ahhhh. yes the pay raise is nice but they put in SOO much overtime!! well at my restaurant they did at least...maybe yours is better :D:D that'd be sweet though. you could go off powertripping all the new kids. haha goooodtimes.
take care elly! good luck with your summer class... yuck.