Wednesday, July 04, 2007


It's a conspiracy. McDonalds is trying to kill me.

Apparantly part of the initiation into the managing world of fast food chains is pushing their employees to the far reaches of their physical capacities. This past week I've done a late night (9pm-5am) then the following day I opened (5am - 1pm) then the next day i do another late night which is followed by yet another opening shift and so on. I there is any way to confuse your body about sleeping and eating patterns this is it. And to add insult to injury, I haven't been able to sleep in on my days off because we're getting a new roof, which is noisy business.

Some of these 5am shifts need to be accompanied by an energy drink just so I dont doze off at the till or do something stupid. But I dont think that level of caffeine is good for my body. I'm usually pretty wired as is. Coffee wakes me up pretty good. Energy drinks are way too powerful. I get so crazy hyper its not even funny. Wild.

So work has been...well work. There is no better way to describe it. My one two-credit physics lab course has been death...but on the bright side its almost over and thats my last physics class EVER!! My brother just moved out a couple days ago, so I've reached the pinnacle of a youngest child's existence, when I rule the household. I'm sure I'll get bored of being the only kid at home soon...My sister left for europe today for a couple jealous.

Lovin the weather!!! summer is finally here!!!!

all for now



Anonymous said...

gee wiz! mcdicks should be murdered for putting you through that! that's ridiculous!
as for chris moving out, wow! he beat cameron! haha. where'd me move to?
and i'm jealous of katherine too! no fair!

Lauren Heinen said...

ohhhh mcdonalds! gooooooodtimes. fleetwood opening shift was 4am-1pm for managers... ahhh goodtimes. and you'r ethe only child at home now! crazy stuff!! well enjoy your crazy sleeping/eating/living for the next little while... oh gosh. good luck!!