Monday, August 20, 2007

road trip etiquette 101

well it has already been over a week since I got back from my road trip to Oregon with the big sister and let me tell you, it was awesome. here's a little play-by-play summary for you because I fear this may get a little long recalling a whole week of events in paragraph form

1. on the first day we drove for 12 hours down the coast to Florence Oregon. My uncle told us about a nice campground there, so we went to check it out. The sign said "no vacancy" just like every other campground we passed along the way, so we went to the front desk just to see if there was a wait list. The guy told us that we were in luck. We got there at 7:20 and if the handicapped spots arent taken by 7, they go up for grabs for anyone. So we ended up with the campsite for disabled people, which couldnt be closer to the bathrooms or running water.

2. on day 2, we had to switch campsites since someone was coming who actually needed what the site we had, had to offer. So we packed our stuff and moved to a new campsite. We spent the day hiking up the sand dunes (intense workout I must say) and relaxing on the beach, which was just one big sand dune by a lake.

3. Day 3 we had to move again to a new campsite and we finally got a site that was more permanent so we payed for the rest of the week. Then we decided to find a church to go to. We ended up at this lutheran church that was probably the oldest standing building in all of North America. The insides smelt of heritage museum and the members we not much younger than the building. But once we stepped in, we couldnt just leave, so we stayed for the service. We were the only ones under 60 in the entire building, so it was just a little awkward. The service was very Catholic, but it was interesting to partake in a communion that was a bit different than what I'm used to. Overall, it was interesting.

4. we went to the Sea Lion caves in the morning. It wasnt the best weather so there were tons of sea lions on the rocks and inside the caves. Apparantly its the world's largest sea cave, so that was pretty cool. Sea lions are really loud and we spent the rest of the day mimicking them. Good times. We also went to Newport and I got a copy of the new Harry Potter for $18. We did a bit of shopping. Then we went to Devil's Churn which was this place by the ocean with lots of rocks and the water just crashes up against the rocks. You cant go to close to the edge, or the water will wash you into the churning ocean below. Tres cool.

5. Went to crater Lake which was a 4 hour drive from where we were staying, but very well worth it. Some of the bluest water we'd ever seen. We hiked down to the water there and sat by the lake with our toes in the water then hiked back up. Oh and did I mention, we got in for free? It's supposed to be $10 and I went to pay with credit card, but she said the line-up was too long behind us, so she just let up in and told us not to tell :)

6. Went to go to Heceta head lighthouse, but it was too foggy, so we went back to the campground and went to the beach. It wasnt foggy at the beach. I got the sexiest farmer tan you will ever see not gonna lie :)

7. Went to heceta head lighthouse and hiked the short trail to the lighthouse. Also went to go tidepooling (biology nerd I know...animals are cool ok!) but the tide wasnt going to go out very far, so after having fun with some mussels and kelp, we left to go shopping in old town Florence.

8. packed up and drove back home.

What we learned:

1. so apparently it's illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon, who knew? so we almost ended up with a fine...and possibly a 12 year prison term ;) j/k about the jail ,but they will fine you. Crazy Oregon people!

2. lots of people bike down the Oregon coast. Looks like fun.

3. When hiking up sand dunes, one step forward=a half step back=very tiring

4. one word: "restroom"......but I don't want to sleep, I want to pee!

5. Canadians are uber cool

6. Even people in Oregon have accents

couple photos:

phantom ship at Crater Lake

crashing waves at Devil's Churn

Hug Point!!! need I say more?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Summer is Finally Here!!

I never want to take a summer course ever again! Even though it was just one credit, I found myself putting things off so much to the point that I didnt even study for the final. This class was supposed to be an easy "a", but I'm pretty sure I failed in the attempt of getting one. I think I passed though, so for a physics lab that all I can hope for :)

I'm leaving on a road trip on friday that I'm so stoked for. It worked out that only me and my sister had time off for a vacation (she's a teacher and I can get time off whenever I want at McDonalds..even though they were mad I booked off days, but I need a holiday from that hole of a restaurant sometimes!) so I'm going on a road trip with Cath...for some sisterly bonding. It should be fun. We plan to go down the Oregon coast, and my uncle told us about a great camping location that we think we might stay at while we're down there. It's right by the ocean, but these huge sand dunes block the park from the ocean, so you just have to go over the dunes. and then the park has two lakes! I've never been camping at a place with 2 lakes. But they use one for fishing and boating and the other for swimming, so none of that nasty Eurasian Millfoil (ropey seaweed type stuff) caused by moter boats will be in the swimming lake. Horray!

So, now its just getting all the camping supplies together and loading up the little Honda Civic, and praying I can get through customs at the border. I seem to always have some sort of problems at customs pretty much every time. The worst was the last time I went on a plane. They got mad at me for having lip gloss in my purse even though it was only 10mL of fluid..apparantly any fluid is bad fluid. And then they pulled me aside with my backpack because they thought they found a "foreign object" inside. "Oh that? That's just my mp3 player" take it out, show it to the guy, ok it is safe to let this girl on our plane from Terrace to Vancouver. Like someone is going to hijack a plane with 30 people on it thats flying over the coastal mountains.

But I'm off on friday..and should have tons of fun. And I'll let whoever reads this know how it went!

Bon Voyage!!
