Friday, November 30, 2007

I Love Snow!!!!!!

Long time no blog...

So I guess it's been a while seeing as I last blogged when the semester started, and here I am at the semester's end. Christmas is so close I can smell it. This semester feels like it has taken years. It feels like years since I've had some good long quality time with friends without having school on the back of my mind, years since I could sleep till noon with no regrets of lost time, years since deadlines never existed...

In reality, it has only been months - four months - but they're almost over!

nothing too much to report here. We just had snow this week, a couple inches at SFU. Now the campus is grey AND white. Gorgeous.

A movie was being filmed here yesterday, and they had the entrance to my class blocked off, so we all had to wait behind this big curtain till they finished shooting a scene before we could get to class. I forget what the movies called....something with a p...but they made the hallway at school into a courthouse. It really does not look like a courthouse, more like a boring school hallway with signs that say "courtroom A" and so on. There was also no talking on the scenes that they filmed. I think it's going to be a really exciting movie, you should all go watch it *cough cough*

Work is still lame as ever, but the people are still fun. We're planning a mass-quitting some time in the New Year because apparantly we are all "replaceable". We'll see how it goes when they have to replace all their most experienced employees. McDonald's is lame.

I should head to class soon...


1 comment:

Lauren Heinen said...

ahh haha...mass-quitting!! LOVE IT!! take that mcdonalds.
as for this semester...i thought it went by fast but when i think about how i now sleep until 11 or 12, i realize how long its been since i've had the opportunity to do such things. keep pressing on!! you're almost done :)
ps. i laughed out loud when i read this...and im in the library...supposed to be studying...oops!! thanks for the distraction!!