Monday, April 21, 2008

time for another blog...I think so

I guess it's been a while, so probably nobody reads this thing anymore.

School is finally over now, so I can have a life again now woohoo!! I've just been cleaning my room, and am now on a break cus it's a pretty huge task. I really let it slide this semester, and now it has caught up to me. I also worked this morning at 5, so I'm a little groggy.

Yesterday I had a good time standing out in the freezing cold volunteering at the Sun Run. I am registered as a sports aider with SportMed BC, so I got to be one of the first aid personnel at the event. My job was fortunately pretty easy and not too stressful. I was stationed along the gorgeous English bay, right across the street from the water. All I had to do was hang out with some sports physios at the medical tent there and if anything happened where a person couldn't finish the race, but it wasn't serious for an ambulance, then I had to transport them through the streets of vancouver to the finish line medical tent where they could be treated. Thankfully, nothing too serious happened where I was and I just had to transport one lady who had shortness of breath and chest pains. She was also shivering in the van I was driving when I had the heat jacked up so much I was sweating. I had also never driven a van before and had to parallel park it, which was interesting... It was weird having to cross the police lines to streets that were blocked off for the race so I could get to the finish line.

The worst thing that happened though, apparently someone collapsed on the Cambie Street bridge and hit their head on the way down and they were bleeding profusely on the head. That wasn't near my part of the race though, so I didn't have to deal with that one.

here is just a preview of this summer at a glance:

I am still going to be working at McDick's. :P. I mentioned leaving for a better job that will pay me better and they offered me a raise, a promotion, and lots of hours, so I couldn't turn it down. This way, I can take lots of time off to go camping etc.

I'm doing Profession of Faith at church on May 11

I need to take my road test so I can finally throw my "N" in the trash

I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled :S

Camping with the family in Terrace and with the Young Adults from church in the interior

Possibly volunteering with sports teams

And just hanging out and having fun!!


Anonymous said...

May 11.. I will be there!!!!


Lauren Heinen said...

elly!! yes people still read this!! YAY for finishing another year of school - it's great eh. haha that's awesome that you're stickin it out at mcdics :) maybe ill come visit sometime! sounds like you've got a busy and fun summer ahead of you! enjoy it :)

Anonymous said...

Do not take to heart!