Monday, December 08, 2008


Shown above is my sigh of relief.

Classes are over, exams are over, and Christmas holidays have officially begun.

I chose a job for January - I'm going to be working at The Right Shoe in Vancouver, so I'm excited for that. The people there are great. When I went for my interview, two people working were friends of mine from SFU, and my interview was mostly just me chatting with my boss about being a trainer for sports teams - the injury stuff, because he did that too, and about piano, since I taught piano for a bit, and his wife is a piano teacher. It's a great place and I'm very excited to work there.

I haven't yet decided if I want to go back to school in the summer or do another semester of coop and go back in the fall. I'm leaning towards just working till September. I'm sick of taking classes and I really need a break, and I also need the money to pay for the classes I need to take to graduate. Oh the life of a student.

So here goes my first January of not being in School since 1992 when I was 4 and not yet in Kindergarten. That is so sad.

I am also very excited to go back to Mexico with my church. It's been 5 years since I went and I miss it a lot, so I'm pretty stoked to return.

So ya, things are going great right now. I spent about 4 hours cleaning my room today - not that I did that great of a job, it was just that bad :P. And now I'm trying to catch up on lost time and maybe get some reading done - that pretty much gets put on hold when I'm in school. I started reading The Shack at the end of the Summer, and I got about half way when September rolled around and I haven't read any since. I'm thinking I might have to re-read some parts to catch up.

Anyways, I'm just talking about nothing now and this is getting a little long, so I'm going to stop.

Till next time.


1 comment:

Catherine said...

I'm so jealous that you even get Christmas holidays! Enjoy - you've earned it :)