Tuesday, November 24, 2009


...I need more...
...if only I had more....
...it would be done but I ran out of...
...there's never enough...
...life would be so much easier if I just have more...
...buy some...

This four-letter word seems to comprise so much of our vocabulary. It also seems to be blamed for most of our misfortunes. As the end of this semester nears, there never seems to be enough time. Not enough time to study, to finish my assignments, to spend time with friends, to spend time with God, to clean my room, to do my laundry, to think about my future...

I have been asked the questions people normally get asked as they near their undergraduate career. "So Elly, what do you plan to do for the rest of your life?" The rest of my life? Really? I know I'm not much of a planner, but seriously, that's over 50 years (hopefully) that I have left. Do I really need to consider that far in advance? Now, I know that's not exactly what they mean, but it seems that way some time. Now that I'm 22, I really should know what career path I want to take and what my goals in life are - but I don't think that's realistic. Some people do know at this point what career path they want to take. I don't think God programmed me to work that way. All I know is that He will be with me every step of the way.

I had an interview today with VANOC that went really well. They "conditionally offered" me a job today which was different than the ones I was applying for. Basically, my interviewer is promoting me for the position at the end of today with the rest of the VANOC, so as long as the other VANOC staff haven't handed out a lot of offers for this position, my chances are pretty high. She thought I would be a good fit as a Resident Advisor - it would be coordinating that the people in Olympic Village get to where they need to go, that their stuff goes with them, and liase with the bus drivers. I wont know all the details until I get the formal offer, but the exciting part is I would have to live on site, which would be pretty sweet, so we'll see.

As far as graduation goes, it looks like it'll be in August, which is fine, because I have no plans aside travel for after grad, so this buys me more time before I need to apply for a "real job".

So I think I have wasted enough time. It's time to return to my homework and finish this semester strong - second-last semester of undergrad...it feels great!

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