Friday, February 12, 2010


It is down to crunch time. The opening ceremonies for the 2010 Olympic Games commence in under 8 hours. Mayhem has ensued. Details are not permitted because you never know who is reading this, but let's just say there's this bus company that isn't cooperating. Gameday has a system to follow and this particular company seems to be the only one that doesn't understand. It's a simple concept really.

1. schedulers outline the routes that need to be driven at what time for events and practices. Done

2. this information is passed on to the companies based on the routes their drivers have been trained on. done

3. Those company supervisors then assign their drivers to the routes. Fail for this one company.

4. Driver's schedules are then passed on to the hotels (ideally in a timely matter). Fail.

I have drivers who haven't done anything except for training since they've been here, 5 days ago. Their names just haven't made the schedule yet. Let the Games begin!

I'm not very good at keeping secrets. They consume me. Actually, it's not that I can't keep a secret, I won't tell anyone, but it takes a lot out of me because I think about it all the time. I often speak before thinking, so in order to prevent myself from blurting out a secret, I need to make sure I'm thinking. Anyways, I got to see the Opening Ceremonies dress rehearsal on Wednesday. It was a Vanoc employee/volunteer invitational and all the headlining acts were there. The hard part is keeping the secret. I am so glad it's tonight, because then it won't be a secret anymore. I'll be free.

When people ask me how it was? It was great! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't know how good it will be on TV because I think the live experience adds to how good a show was, but I definitely recommend watching it. And watch it from the beginning. It starts at 6.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

"Is that it?"

I was sad I had to work while my friend Adana carried the Olympic torch through part of Surrey yesterday, it would have been cool to see her run it. I had to work at 4pm, and I had spent the night before at home, so I got stuck in crazy traffic on the way to work, but I thought nothing of it because I didn't think the torch was coming down that stretch of King George Highway. The closer I got to work, the more people I saw lining the street. Turns out the torch was coming down my stretch of King George. It took almost 10 minutes for me to turn into the parking lot, and then I ran to the street to watch. After the torch went by, one kid turned to his dad and asked "is that it?"...haha you gotta love kids. It's true though, there was so much hype, but when it comes down to it, it's not such a big deal. Some guy carrying the flame lights the next lady's torch, they hug and dance around, and she continues down the street. Done.

As for me, work is still crazy, disorganized, and very last-minute, but you can see things slowly coming together. I still know that once Friday comes around the chaos will become a little more organized chaos, people will be cranky pulling long hours with little rest, and bad food.

The drivers at my hotel love us. (how could you not? haha). Apparently there are issues with other RAs not doing what their supposed to and just not being very helpful at other hotels, so right now, even with a lack of amenities, the Quality Inn is the envy of all the other drivers. Most of the drivers here are recently retired, in their early 60s, and basically not much older than my dad. They bring us cookies and other snacks they stole from the bus depot, extra sandwiches they sneak from lunch, a dinner they don't want, you name it, it's great. I get a per diem for food allowance and I don't have to buy much food at all because the drivers keep feeding me. One driver went out to get me a donut along his route, said he'd surprise me, and came back with a box of 15 timbits. It's so sweet. I think some of them are just trying to butter us up. They've already been joking around about "favors" on Valentine's day - don't worry I've turned them all down. The vast majority are joking, but there's one or two that I think are not...a little creepy, but I'll just have to keep my eye on them.

That's it for now. These posts are turning into the diaries of the Vanoc employee, but really not much else is going on in my life right now, aside from planning for the mission trip to Mexico with my church youth at the end of March.