Thursday, March 03, 2011

February 2011 - Month of Madness

They say March comes in like a lion - would that be why my February ended like a lion as well? So many things happened, I don't even think I can give an adequate recap that would do justice to the situation.

1. My sister decided to surprise the family and drop in on her way back home to China...from India! I found out a couple days before she arrived because she made the error of contacting someone within the school community. Any of you who went to Fraser Valley would know how quickly word spreads. An administrator whom I will not mention by name, unknowingly spilled the beans at a worship team practice at the church. I didn't believe her, but the I confirmed with my sister online that night and had to keep a big secret for an entire day. My parents were so shocked when she arrived. We spent the week she was here hanging out and playing board games, which is quite the competitive experience in my house.

2. I applied to Calvin Seminary for a masters program in music there and had one of my references pending. I needed to be accepted by a certain date in order to qualify for financial aid, which is imperative. It was coming close, so I made a plea and managed to get accepted just in time for financial aid applications. My mind is not 100% made up yet, but the option is there.

3. I was in a car accident last Saturday. It was small - a lady in a minivan ran a stop sign in the snow and hit my driver's side door. My car was written off so now I have to start from square 1 again. For the time being I will be a transit rider and bicycler.

4. I was wanting February to be over because so many other things were going on as well. On the last day of February, I found out my uncle was in a really bad accident - his car was hit head-on by a semi. It took 3 hours to get him out of his vehicle, then he was air-lifted to Royal Columbian Hospital. He went through surgery right away - we all feared the worst. Miraculously, my uncle survived with a broken arm, heel, and hip, and should make a full recovery - after extensive rehab of course. He is doing really well and I am so thankful to still have him in my life.

This is just the shortened version of my month, but trust me, it was crazy. I'll go more detailed later, but I'm tired and should probably call it a night...

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