Saturday, March 11, 2006

"Are you a Christian?"

So, I was at work today taknig a guys order. Ater I gave his his change, he asked me if I was a Christian. Curious as to why, thinking of the song "they will know we are Chrsitians by our love" and pondering if I look like a Christian and, if so, what do Christians look like? I said "Ya, I am. how did you know?". He then pointed at my wristband (make poverty history) and said that was why. He started talking about how his pastor was going to get him one too. So, seeing the common interest in the wellfare of fellow man posed the comment, "Well it is a good cause, for a good organisation." And he said, "Well I wouldn't call it an organisation as such,it's faith." Processing what he said, I ended our conversation with "yes, it is faith, but faith in numbers."

He smiled and walked away with fries in tow, which would seem to be the sole goal of the McDonalds corporation. "Come hungry, leave happy." But I think it was something more. I think he knew he got me thinking about what he said about how it isnt necessarily some sort of organisation set on eliminating world poverty, but that it's a whole lot more.

The elimination of poverty has always seemed like a foreign goal to me, even Jesus told his desciples that "the poor will always be with you." How can we then eliminate poverty all together?

THe customer left me with more than that however. I've been thinking about the reason why he knew I was a Christian. Should the only way of knowing be by the things we wear or the causes we stand for? Can people actually see something different in me? A lot of the time I dont think so. I dont always act the way I should or I do things that I regret. I just encourage anyone who reads this, including myself to try to show to others that you are a Christian by the things that you do and the love that you show.

all for now

boersma out!

1 comment:

Lynn Webb said...

Amen to that! It is especially hard here since if you are white, you are considered a Christian, therefore I always have to watch my actions carefully because people are always watching. Try taking the bracelet off and see if anyone asks again! Miss ya!
PS: I thought you were quitting mcdonalds??