Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I am here to report a felony..I think that's how you spell that. Yesterday night our family car got broken into and they took our stereo and went through my wallet that was wedged between some seats. He or she I guess took all my $5 in loose change and an expired movie pass and took everything out of my wallet. All of which I thought I got back until I looked this morning. I had felt kind of liberated that they didn't get a credit card or anything of much value because that was what they wanted. Instead, all of my friends grad pictures and I think I had a leftover of mine in there are gone. What kind of sick pervert takes stuff like that. I mean, go ahead and take my money, steal the whole car if you want, but don't take something that is of no monetary worth to you. But they mean alot to me. These are my friend's beautiful faces that I am barred to look at in black-and-white in the yearbook with no personal comments to me. The money I can get back, these pictures I can't. Thanks a lot PERVERT!!!

Sorry for the downer, I'm just a little annoyed right now. Better times later.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Take the Plunge

Well, i did it. I made it through my first year of university with scars to prove it. Today was my last final and I now begin the longest summer holidays of my life. Will I get bored? probably. With a dead-end job at McDonald's which I'm hoping to can upon the acceptance to a new work place, and the lack of my favourite hockey team in the playoffs (that's the Canucks by the way) I'm stuck watching hours of playoff hockey that could bore you to tears. For example, the Flames vs. the Ducks game today...it wasnt even exciting! Why do I put myself through the torture of watching teams that knocked my "home-boys" out of the playoff race (how I loathe them) well it's quite simple really. This year I've discovered a beautiful thing called a hockey pool. All you have to do is select your ultimate roster, watch them rock and then rake in the prizes...or at least I'm hoping that's what happens. Although, I think I will get the same amount of joy, if not more, from the mere satisfaction of defeating my siblings. Bragging rights are prime and so sweet especially when you lack the "age and maturity" of your older family members. Who am I proud of today? My good budies Joe Thornton, Dany Heatly and Jason Spezza...keep bringing in the gold guys. These guys could sinlge- or triple- handedly win me an ipod (again vain hopes). What sweet sweet victory.

Evidence that I am the coolest first-year at university of all time (and by cool I mean biggest loser):

- turning off the lights in the Bio lab and asking Adana if the power went out, then realizing it was me.
- being the only one in a huge lecture hall laughing when my math prof stated very matter-of-factly that he loves hazlenut truffles. 9you have to know a bit about my prof to know why thats so funny...i'll leave you guessing)
- falling up the stairs...twice...in a row...ya im a loser
- having the doors of the skytrain close on my backpack
- hitting a prof in the shoulder (there's a story behind that, I dont just go around hitting people)

and soooo many more

ya so thats about it. Yay for summer vacation and 3 cheers for playoffs.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Jesus, dont let me forget you

"'We are punished justly for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.'Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.'
Jesus answered him, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paridise.'"

Luke 23:41-43

"The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, heard his cry and saw how he died, he said, 'Surely this man was the Son of God!'"

Mark 15:38-40

Was Jesus forgetful? The request of the man on the cross next to Christ seemed to think so as he poses his request..."Jesus, remember me." A request I'm sure we can all relate to. We don't want to be forgotten by God and no matter how much God assures us He knows us each by name, we still need the affirmation that He wont forget about us. Somehow, I dont see this being likely. Jesus was Lord of the lowlifes, the tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes, you name it. He seeked these people out and treated them with respect, the criminal on the cross included.
I think there is a bit of that criminal in all of us. We follow the crowd and hurl insults at others like snowballs. But then we step back and think, hey wait, this isn't right. Im sorry God, please remember me. Dont forget about me.

We have little to worry about when it comes to God remembering us. He knows every detail about us. It would be like a father forgetting he ever had a child. But what if we turn the statement around? "Jesus, help me not forget you when you come into your kingdom."

Just somthing to think about.

Easter side note:

For those wondering, yes, my mom did offer to hide the easter eggs for us yet again, it's actually kind of amusing. And yes, I am the youngest in my family...the oldest is 24...too old for an easter egg hunt with the same hididng spots in the living room as the past decade? Tell that to my mom (who is an elementary school teacher, if that explains anything). Maybe my family's just wierd, but i get chocolate out of it, i just have to work for it.

till next time
