Monday, July 24, 2006

"you smell like pine-sol"

Well I guess it's been a while again...its been a little crazy in the life of Elly lately. Speaking of which, i just got off an 8 hour shift (5 am till 1 pm)...after working 5 pm till 1:30 pm the night before...woot woot for 4 hours of sleep. Im just a little dillusional right now and may start typing random words that dont make sense just bear with me. My mom said driving tired is just like driving drunk, and i think the same goes for typing...its actually really hard. what you dont see is how many times i've had to backspace and try again.

haha...the title by the way is a quote of what some Whalley guy said to me today at Surrey Central. I was waiting for the bus and he came up to me and asked me if the bus had come which was the same bus i was taking and so i told him no and that i sure hoped not. And then he said it.."you smell like pine-sol"..and i didnt really know what to say so i kind of smiled and nodded and looked away. Then he asked me if i had spilled some pine-sol on myself today and i told him no that i hadnt and that i think it might be someone else you're smelling. It turns out there was a cleaning guy spraying the pay phones with some disinfectant. And then he was like "oh it's you" to the cleaning guy who mimmicked my initial response of smile and nod. The whole time im just thinking "man that has to be the worst pick-up line i have ever heard!" So that's my story for today. Work has been crazy and theres a lot of new people who dont know what they're doing (which is annoying) but its still a blast. Customers proably think we're obnoxious though.

anyways i am thouroughly exhausted and should probably take a nap right about now.
good night....evening...afternoon...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Anonymous said...

yay for crappy pick-up lines...i was hoping (for the sake of the poor souls who have to rely on the bus as their primary mode of transportation) that no one would have to endure worse pick-up lines then i did on my way to lynn's house on new years eve; but given your latest incident, i'm going to assume that the worst is yet to come...elly we should make this into a game come the fall, a game that no one wants to win
you're winning!!!:P

36 days til school starts...

Anonymous said...

jackie, did you just leave a comment telling elly when school starts up again?
you terrify me.

but we should all hang out.
elly? jackie? yes?


boersma said...


Anonymous said...
