Sunday, November 05, 2006

Blonde Moment!!

haha so not much to say, other than the fact that I have a kinda funny story that happened yesterday. I laughed at myself. So I was out with my mom (we went to Timmy ho's and then the mall) and I was driving. We put the club on the car when we got to the mall, something my mom does all the time and I never do because I dont have a key for it...logical reason to me at least. So we put on the club and went shopping for a bit. Then we got back to the car, I put the stereo faceplate back in (oh ya thats another thing we do is take out that thing for the is Whalley after all and the car has been broken into once already...but getting back to the story) I put the key in the ignition...put the car in reverse and release the e-brake. Typical car starting techniques, am I right? Well, there was one thing I neglected. I backed out of our parking space and tried to turn the wheel, but there was something hindering such a movement. What was it? and more importantly..what was jabbing into my leg? It was at that moment I realised my utter stupidity and blondedness. I had negleted to take the club off the wheel, so the thing jabbing into my leg was none other than the long end of the anti-theft device we have grown to love. I have often joked about driving with the club on to see if it's possible....I still think it is if you only make one direction of turn. But that is my story. It was a good laugh. So dumb am I. Coolest kid EVER!!



Lynn Webb said...

Thats something I would do. Sometimes I just drive with the E brake on... fun times!

Anonymous said...

ohhh man elly! I love it! People out here dont even know what clubs are...I just tell them that's cause they're not from surrey. Kinda miss the scariness of surrey...not :) haha

Lauren Heinen said...

ahhhhhhh haha. everytime i read your blog i can't help but to laugh. glad you enjoyed laughing at yourself, and now you will no longer need to ponder how it feels to drive with the club on...although if you decide to try it for a longer period of time, let me know how it is, as i also wonder if you could drive with it as long as you only turn the wheel one way...hmmmmm let me know :D

Anonymous said...

my hero.

Stewart said...

Elly, that was amazing :) I wish I could have been there.