Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Good Ol' Terrace BC

So I just got home from a relaxing week up in Terrace BC. Here's just a brief little run-down...or play-by-play in good old hockey fashion...of my trip

day 1: - took a freakishly early flight to Terrace and was uber tired all day...but so was my sis so we made a good team.
- watched the Canucks tragically lose game 6
- went to their library to take out movies...ya movies!! and not just movies about books. I picked out "cars" it was awesome
- my sis' friend came over after the game and we had some yummy alcohol and tried to play phase 10 (the card game) by my rules which were made up on the spot since i forgot the instructions at home...and I still managed to lose...and then we got sick of it and played some wizard instead


day 2: - church...where my sister's old Bible teacher from FVC is now her pastor...weird.
- BP for lunch ....hottest waitor EVER not gonna lie. awesome
- went to the school so my sis could work and I could use internet. watched some lost and gray's anatomy on a tape since my sis has no cable...oh ya and survivor
- had dinner
- went to my sis's friend's house to watch Amazing Race (YAY!!) and the Aprentice...


day 3: - decided to stay home and sleep in while my sis went to work...bad idea...so boring
- watched cars and did dishes and pretty much did nothing all day
- watched game 7 vs. Dallas which was spectacular...and very amusing since my sister fell asleep cus she was so tired but i was actually talking to her while she was sleeping and she just seemed out of it. She doesnt remember the game...it was so weird...and funny at the same time

day 4: - went to school with Cath and hung out in her classes all day marking things and creaping out the students

day 5: - pretty much the same as day 4 plus...
- when I booked the ticket to Terrace it was a bit of a "surprise" type thing for my sister, but it turned out she had a teacher's conference in Prince George to go to...but she asked the principle if I could come and he said it was fine...so this day includes a roda trip to Prince George
- we got to Prince George a little late-ish and were very tired so we went to bed right away at Esther's Inn
- the road trip included many deer sightings and even a bear...ooooh

day 6: - teacher's conference - wow they're boring. I thought if I didnt like it I could just take a walk and go check out the sights of Prince George...but the school it was held at is way out in the middle of nowhere...so I got to tag along to seminars
- keynote speaker....something about literacy in lower grades?...primary show and share (aka a bunch of people talking about what they do in the classroom...whaaa?)....lunch YAY...seminar on teaching about sexuality...good times
- went "shopping" at a Prince George "mall"
- ate some Vietnamese food
- Watched survivor in the Esthers Inn pub
- sat in the hot tub ...(avoided young couple who seem to have mistaken the hot tub for a bed in a private room...oops)

day 7: - more conference - went to a seminar for coaching volleyball...even though I know I will never ever coach volleyball since I dont like those sports with the net in the middle..I just thought it would be good to do somthing physical
- so I suck at volleyball and I was playing with all these coaches when I go to mak a hit (which was terrible by the way) and I land from a jump and there goes my left foot...so I sprained my ankle and got to sit out with icce on it for a while.
- it felt ok so I just shot some hoops with a volleyball...but then the 6 hour bus trip back to Terrace did a number on me and I could barely even walk when we got back to Terrace
- rested my foot as much a possible
- watched hockey

day 8: - flew home...worst (or best depending on your stomach) turbulance ever it was incredible...the flight was actually mildly exciting
- landed back in Vancouver 30 minutes early

And that pretty much covers it. Many little details left out but this would be way too long if I had to include everything. So that's it...I'm back home now...nursing my foot.

I decided that if I ever become a teacher I will need to come up with some good excuses to get out of conferences 'cause they are boooorring!


GO CANUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- road trip back home


Anonymous said...

Truely awesome... its what life is all about, do a little bit of everything!! Glad you have fun! Im sure you went through Houston and it was terribly exciting!! NOT! Miss you


Anonymous said...

Elly, you are a saint! Thanks for getting those tickets - it totally brightened my week!