Thursday, September 20, 2007


After all those years learning root words throughout elementary and high school, it turns out all former knowledge must be thrown out the window for the intellectually superior realms of University. Let me explain. Take the word "midterm" for example. Based on what I've learned before, "mid" is a prefix for "in the middle of" basically representing something occuring at the center of an event. in this case, the event would be the term. So if I put it all together, and midterm will occur in the middle of the term. Au contrair my friend, no such assumption is true. now apparantly, a midterm can occur at any point and time throughout the term and more than just once. So going with the whole post modernism thing, "mid" actually refers to "whenever I want it to be".

So I have a midterm on Tuesday. The beginning of the 4th week of school. In a way it's nice to have my exams spread out a bit more, and since there are 3 in that course, the knowledge expected to be learned for each will be slightly less. It just feels too early. It feels like school has just started and already I'm expected to display a knowledge for a topic I've barely ever glanced over yet. I probably should get to that :P

Other than that, school is going pretty good so far. Overall, my profs are so-so. Two of them are good, the other 2 are just weird, but one of the weird ones is so weird I was actually tearing up I was laughing so hard in class. He's just strange.

I'm sure the funny embarrasing moment stories will come soon enough so I can entertain whoever reads this with my blatant stupidity :):)



Lauren Heinen said...

you are SO funny elly. i can just imagine you tearing up in class haha. you're not alone in the whole early midterm thing...i had one last monday (24th) and i also have one tomorrow. weird. university sucks.

Anonymous said...

haha i cant wait to read the stories and laugh. i can just picture you tearing up! haha goodl luck with your midterm!--adrienne