Sunday, January 04, 2009


Clearly the snow does not stop. It took me 20 minutes to get up my street to go to church this morning. I was stuck on the inch of ice covering my cul-de-sac. Since I had to play piano this morning, I panicked a little thinking I wasn't going to make it. If you are unaware, a CRC church gets lost without a pianist. The pianist is king.

I rang in the new year pretty miserably. I was sick , so I spent the night lying in a recliner and watched movies. My parents came home at 11:45 so I didn't have to ring in the New Year alone. I felt so crappy I just wanted to sleep, so I took some mini naps to get me to midnight so I could say "Happy New Year!" and then hit the hay. Bummer. But it's alright, there will be better New Years for sure.

I think this is going to be a pretty stellar year. I'm officially starting my new job tomorrow. It's going to be great, I hope. I'm really looking forward to taking a break from school for a bit. I'm so sick of classes, and I want to get a better idea of what I actually want to do with my degree.

In April, I'm going to Mexico for 10 days for a Mission Trip with my church. I went on this trip 5 years ago in grade 11, and I am very excited to go back there and see what plans God has laid out for me there.

I intend to buy a guitar soon and start learning to play. It's something I've wanted to do for a while and I think it would be fun to be able to play an instrument I can take with me wherever I go without looking like a tool. (Carrying my saxophone around would be pretty lame :))

I had a friend's wedding yesterday (Kim VanEe) and more weddings to come this summer. My cousin is getting married in August in Ontario, and another friend (Adana) is getting married less than a week after that. Should be lots of fun.

That's all I've got for now.

I want to keep this more updated from now on. I tend to let it slide a little.


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