Friday, January 23, 2009


The evidence that grass still exists on my front lawn is starting to emerge. As most of the snow from a month ago has melted, another snowfall has been predicted for this weekend. Oy. On the plus side, that means we will sell more Yaktrax at work next week and get rid of our winter stock items.

Speaking of work, it has been going great. My mom asks me almost every day if I miss school yet, and every day my answer is the same, "no"! And somehow, she is shocked every time. "You mean you don't miss it at all? Nor even a little bit?" She just can't fathom the idea that I might not enjoy school as much as the next guy. Many people I've talked to over the years at SFU would have answered the opposite to the question my mom always asks. In discussions with other university students, I am surprised to find the vast majority are comfortable where the are just studying and actually fear getting a career after graduation. I guess I just don't quite fit in with that crowd. I can't wait to finish school and start living!

I really like my job a lot. The people I work with are great. We are all Kinesiology majors or grads, so we all share common interests in one way or another. A lot of people ask me "what does working at a shoe store have to do with getting a university degree?" Then I have to explain what exactly we do. We specialize in fitting shoes for people so they are getting the correct fit and the right type of support for their foot needs. Some people have really messed up feet, let me tell you.

It's rough though, because I get a really great discount and I work in a shoe store. I am constantly seeing things I like and I have to tell myself not to buy them. So far, I have only bought some really good slippers (which I wear at work every day - it's awesome), and a few pairs of athletic socks - which are amazing. I am limiting myself to get one pair of runners, a pair of sandals closer to the summer, and maybe some trail type shoes, and possibly a dress/casual shoe. many shoes!

Next door to my store is a Paris Orthotics, and we work closely with them. Right now, they have a pedorthist-in-training, and he needs to practice casting molds of people's feet for orthotics. Today, I got to be a guinea pig and he casted molds of my feet. It was the coolest feeling. I asked if I could take the molds home. He hesitated, and then his supervisor said, "I don't see why not", so now I have two hardened foot molds sitting on my desk - interior decorating at its finest.

Taking transit is one of the few times I actually have a desire to read. That, and right before bed. During school, I never felt like reading at either of those times, because I was just so sick of doing homework for my classes. I have been able to finish two books so far on transit in 3 weeks - that's pretty good for me. The first one I read was The Shack. I had heard a lot of hype about that book, so I decided to read it for myself. Not a bad book, but I didn't find it quite as good as what people claimed it to be. I think it speaks more to a parent, or just someone who's older.

The second book I read, which is possibly one of the best books I have ever read, was The Kite Runner. I remember Lynn told me about the story and that there was a movie about it, but that the book was way better, so I decided to read it. The story was excellent, and gripping, I could barely put it down. If you want to read an excellent book, I highly recommend that one.

Here is just a quote that I liked from The Shack:

"Every time you forgive, the universe changes; every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes; and with every kindness and service,seen or unseen, my purposes are accomplished and nothing will ever be the same again."

Boersma out

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