Saturday, July 04, 2009


Well, so far no other problems with the dog, hence the title of my post. I've been taking her for extra long walks so she does her business, but I also enjoy exploring new routes in a neighbourhood I've lived in my whole life, so it's win-win. It's amazing how certain streets can be overlooked, only to be traveled 22 years later. I love my neighbourhood. Quiet streets, lots of trees, and plenty of ditch space for the dog to poop. It's great.

I played for the Jen VanHove/Joel Nagtegaal wedding today. What a beautiful day to have a wedding, it was gorgeous. This is just the first of a couple other weddings this summer, and I love it. It's like I have a gig. I get to showcase myself for 30 minutes before the service, without being too obvious, so it's more my style - up front, but not drawing excessive attention to myself. It feels so intimate, and to calm the nerves a bit, I like to pretend I'm just sitting in my parent's living room at the old piano playing my heart out and praising my God for the gifts He has given me. The next wedding is not till after my finals, and it's in Ontario, so it will be nice to have a bit of a holiday in a lesser-traveled part of Canada for me, and to see family I haven't seen in a while. A bunch of Boersmas together - this could get rowdy.

Classes are going steady for me. I wrote my last midterm for the summer yesterday, and now I don't feel like doing my homework, so I blog. I am also procrastinating walking the dog in the heat, so I blog. I probably should be watering the flowers, but I blog instead. :) This semester is going by incredibly fast. If the next two go by as fast as this one has, I'll be a graduate before I know it - with no idea of what I intend to do with my degree. Is it this hard for everyone? A lot of people I've talked to have it all figured out, the next 5 years at least are all mapped out already. Part of me is envious, but the other part knows that's not my style. I take it one day at a time, and I need to trust God will show me what I am supposed to do in His time. As for now, I finish my studies in Kinesiology at SFU, and move on to bigger and better things. Music perhaps. We'll see.

As for now, I need to water the plants so not everything is dead when my parents get home. So far the dog is still alive, and I think my chances of keeping her around are pretty high. For the vegetables, the zuccini are coming up in full force and appearingly on steroids :O. I caught the dog eating an apple from the tree the other day. Judging by her face, it was not quite ripe yet, but she ate the whole thing, after playing with it thinking it was a ball. Ok, that's enough, I think the plants are dying, time to save some lives.

Boersma - Plant hero extraordinaire

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