Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Rude Awakening

**caution. The content of this blog may be overly disgusting to some readers. Read at your own risk**

Taking care of the house while my parents are gone involves taking care of the family dog. She's pretty low maintenance, usually, needing a walk or two per day and being fed when I have breakfast and dinner. Love her occasionally when she wants to be petted, and maybe give her a bath if she gets too stinky. Pretty easy right? Not this morning.

Last night, I took the dog for her walk, came home and finished my lab report, but I left the back door open for her to go outside because she hadn't pooped yet. After finishing my report, I went downstairs with some tea to watch tv before going to bed. That was when I saw it. On the rug downstairs, the dog left a nice little gift of diarrhea. Disgusting! Cursing, I went to get some towels and various other cleaning supplies and cleaned it up. I then watched tv and went to bed, praying it wouldn't happen again during the night. I figured she must have gotten it out of her system, so she should be fine. I got to sleep in today as Tuesdays are my Saturdays, and by "sleep in" I mean I woke up at 9 because I still have lots to do today and I went downstairs to get the dog. Usually I just open the basement door and go back upstairs and she catches on quickly and comes running up herself. This morning, I warily looked around the corner of the door and stepped onto the basement carpet. If she had done something last night, I was going to find it before the whole house stank. Lo and behold, there was a nice big one planted on the carpet, and a couple other little dribbles scattered on the floor. By the door was a nice little spot where she peed, and further down the hallway was another little chunk of soft poo. So gross!!!

Following the evening ritual, I said things under my breath that should not be re-spoken here, and proceeded to grab an arsenal of cleaning supplies. The whole basement reeked of dog poo. First I cleaned up the poo, then wiped down the spots with water to get it out of the carpet. Then, I grabbed my mom's carpet cleaner and intensely cleaned each spot. It doesn't smell as bad anymore, so I'm glad about that, but that was probably the most vile thing I have ever had to clean up in my entire life. I hope it never happens again, and I intend to take the dog out for as long as it takes her to poop tonight, even if it's two hours, it will be worth it.

Either that or I need to start investing in dog diapers. :P

I appologize for the gruesome post, I just needed to vent a little about it and I was craving a little sympathy. :)

Till next time


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... nice. Thanks for that. I got a puppy living at home and she isn't even that bad. So funny. Hope she doesn't do it again!
