Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I am here to report a felony..I think that's how you spell that. Yesterday night our family car got broken into and they took our stereo and went through my wallet that was wedged between some seats. He or she I guess took all my $5 in loose change and an expired movie pass and took everything out of my wallet. All of which I thought I got back until I looked this morning. I had felt kind of liberated that they didn't get a credit card or anything of much value because that was what they wanted. Instead, all of my friends grad pictures and I think I had a leftover of mine in there are gone. What kind of sick pervert takes stuff like that. I mean, go ahead and take my money, steal the whole car if you want, but don't take something that is of no monetary worth to you. But they mean alot to me. These are my friend's beautiful faces that I am barred to look at in black-and-white in the yearbook with no personal comments to me. The money I can get back, these pictures I can't. Thanks a lot PERVERT!!!

Sorry for the downer, I'm just a little annoyed right now. Better times later.


Lauren Heinen said...

aww elly! that's not fair at all. but hey, i'll give you another one...:)

Lynn Webb said...

You dont even want to know how I was violated the other day.. sick is all I have to say.