Friday, March 30, 2007

on a lighter note...

Here it is...the story of my life right here out of the lips of the ever-humorous Dane Cook himself. Just replace the word "brother" with "sister" and "Burger King" with "McDonalds" and you have my life in a nut-shell. Enjoy... offense Cath :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Where's a stress ball when you need one ?!?

I don't think I have ever quite experienced stress before. Usually I just dont let things get to me and I coast on by whatever problems are in my way. But as the end of a semester looms ahead and the glimmer of exams creep up on the horizon, I feel the effects of adrelalin...or should I say epinephrine as it is now affectionately known..pulse rate increasing...clammy, cold skin....a sense of panic. No doubt it's my "fight or flight" response kicking in. And all my mind wants to do now is to run away, but my body wants to fight.

It has been a rough week. The end of semester always comes with its ups and downs, but this time more than ever.

My grandma (Boersma) has been sick for a while now. First she was in the hospital, then they gave her a pacemaker, then she went into a rehab facility, and now, a nursing home. I dont think she has moved around so much since they immigrated from Holland. All this movement will leave anyone unsettled, especially within one of my least favourite facilities, the hospital. I HATE hospitals. My mom was shocked to hear this considering I had once talked of becoming a doctor. "Well you must at least like the maternity ward," says my mom. Although most creatures of the female variety have a soft-spot for babies, I dont really care for them. I think babies being born is the most disgusting thing ever, a miracle none the less, but still gross...and then after that all they do is poo and barf and cry for eternity. I'm thinking this mentality will change in many years time when I become a parent...but for now...just let me play with the kids.

So this past week, things had really gone downhill. She wasnt eating, barely drinking and just getting weaker. I didnt even know what to pray for. Asking God to let her live longer would just be prolonging her pain, but I also didnt want to pray for God to take her away feels a little sadistic. So I just gave it up to God...and He answered in his own way. Today she was eating and talking a doing a bit better. So I guess He is willing to let us keep her for a little longer after all...and He's helping her feel better at the same time. It was rough to hear her crying out to God with what little strength she had. "Help me Lord". She just has so much faith and is really an inspiration to me.

Hearing a story about a young mother with breast cancer recently left me also looking back on my Grandma's life as she experienced a similar event. in her 30s, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. there was nothing the doctors could do and they told her to do as much with the familiy as she could because he was only going to give her months to live. She told him that only God knows how long she was going to live. She ended up winning that fight with cancer and nearly 50 years later, she is still giving her pain up to God. Her faith is amazing, and I never want to see her go, but I know it's unrealistic for me to think she will outlive me. Death is a part of life.

God can only keep her on earth for so long.

Please pray for my grandma. Pray for peace and for comfort from her pain and that she may find joy in all the hardships.

Still smiling...


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Caught red-faced

I was so embarrassed today it was nuts. And i'm pretty sure my face was beet red too. At least I can laugh it off. Anyways, so I was in my lab for sports injuries, so we were just doing functional tests on eachother to test for "injuries" to the hip. So there's about 20 of us in the room and we're all just working in our partners. Suddenly a little tune rings out. It sounds oddly familiar. Oh dear...thats my cell phone! I forgot to turn it off and left it on high...just so the whole class could hear no lovely ring-tone. Good old Super Mario Brothers, they've done it again. People started singing along and stuff so it was pretty funny...but I for one was thoroughly embarrassed. I have the nerdiest ring-tone ever and now my whole lab knows about it. Oh well, at least my mom still thinks I'm cool!

Need sleep.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Rascal Whatts?

So today is the day of the Rascal Flatts concert in Vancouver. Am I going? Well, I still am not completely sold on the whole country music thing. I just have a cute story from a little while back. My history with this group begins with Canadian Idol, embarrassingly enough for me to admit. I guess you could say the idol shows are my "Achille's Tendon" of sorts (aka its my weekness...and I dont want anyone to I'm posting it in a Im dumb...anyways....) One of the contestants sang "What hurts the Most" by Racsal Flatts. By who? Who the heck are they? A few days later I heard the same song on the radio. Cute song actually. Then, a guy came through the drive-thru at work. All decked out in a cowboy hat and listening to JRFM on his car stereo with all his hick friends, he asked me if I liked Rascal Flatts. I said I liked one of their songs....seeing as it was the only one I had ever heard. So then he was like "Do you like this one?" and he started to sing the chorus of "My Wish". What a cutie!!! All Im thinking is "now I do!!". Honestly I wouldnt mind if that guy came to serenade me every day. So anyways..the point of this story is that I ended up downloading some of their stuff. And I must say, I'm still not a country fanatic, but some of their stuff is actually pretty good. Some of it is still too country for me.

Anyways, I need to study. What a wonderful weekend. My profs like me so much they schedule 2 midterms in the 2 days following my birthday. And a happy birthday to you guys too jerks!! no Im kidding. Im in university..what do I expect? Happy studying!
