Saturday, March 03, 2007

Rascal Whatts?

So today is the day of the Rascal Flatts concert in Vancouver. Am I going? Well, I still am not completely sold on the whole country music thing. I just have a cute story from a little while back. My history with this group begins with Canadian Idol, embarrassingly enough for me to admit. I guess you could say the idol shows are my "Achille's Tendon" of sorts (aka its my weekness...and I dont want anyone to I'm posting it in a Im dumb...anyways....) One of the contestants sang "What hurts the Most" by Racsal Flatts. By who? Who the heck are they? A few days later I heard the same song on the radio. Cute song actually. Then, a guy came through the drive-thru at work. All decked out in a cowboy hat and listening to JRFM on his car stereo with all his hick friends, he asked me if I liked Rascal Flatts. I said I liked one of their songs....seeing as it was the only one I had ever heard. So then he was like "Do you like this one?" and he started to sing the chorus of "My Wish". What a cutie!!! All Im thinking is "now I do!!". Honestly I wouldnt mind if that guy came to serenade me every day. So anyways..the point of this story is that I ended up downloading some of their stuff. And I must say, I'm still not a country fanatic, but some of their stuff is actually pretty good. Some of it is still too country for me.

Anyways, I need to study. What a wonderful weekend. My profs like me so much they schedule 2 midterms in the 2 days following my birthday. And a happy birthday to you guys too jerks!! no Im kidding. Im in university..what do I expect? Happy studying!



Lauren Heinen said...

oh elly, how i miss your stories!!! that is absolutely hilarious, and trust me, you will soon be addicted to rascal flatts. haha. their concert tonight was absolutely amazing. i - cant - sleep. this should be a fun night. keep enjoying mcdics! ;)

Lauren Heinen said...

oh elly, how i miss your stories!!! that is absolutely hilarious, and trust me, you will soon be addicted to rascal flatts. haha. their concert tonight was absolutely amazing. i - cant - sleep. this should be a fun night. keep enjoying mcdics! ;)

beim said...

Typical Lauren saying everything twice. Don't listen to country music. And yes, it is a salvation issue.